Music Bus AN/TT

Hey Teezio,
having seen some of your other videos you usually don’t put stuff on the Music Bus, except one time you said, that you‘d occasionally put Trackspacer on it to make space for vocals.
So I’m curious to know how you used the plug-ins labeled S & K or soothe and kirchhoff on the MUSIC.dup1 Bus for this song?
Also correct me if I‘m wrong but I think you made a duplicate of the MUSIC Bus because the record consists of two songs Angel Numbers and Ten Toes.
Thank you

the soothe i used to soften the abrassiveness of the music and the kirchoff was to knotch out freq to make room for the vox. and yes becuase its 2 diff songs and only one of them needed to have the music messed with i seperated them to go throguh 2 seperate music busses

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First of all thank you for replying Teezio.
Tho I‘m afraid I realized that the plugin labeled „S“ can‘t possibly be soothe, because when the tracks height is small, soothe would be labeled „2“, not „S“.
I don’t want to come across as a know-it-all but it’s just something I noticed, so maybe you can shed some light on it!
Anyway thanks :pray: