Inspiration as a dedicated producer

Hello Catherine,

I’m a big fan of your work, especially your work with Foals and The Killers. I was wondering how do you do to stay inspired on a daily basis ? Do you have somekind of a routine ? How do you keep this passion alive ?

Thanks !

Hi Tom!

Thank you for this question. This is a great question!

What keeps me inspired is definitely the range of artists that I get to work with. I love the challenge of going from working with a Guitar band, where it is all about capturing the energy and existing identity of the band, to working with a young solo artist where we get to build a world and sonic identity for them. I’m using very different parts of my brain.

I’ve also recently started to force my self to buy one new “toy” during every project - and learn how to use that toy. I can’t always spend a lot of money so sometimes it is something as small and ridiculous as a harmonica or I splashed out recently and bought a Critter & Guitari Organelle. I still don’t know how to use it exactly but am having so much fun with it.

Film and Art also really influence the way I “colour” the albums I work on so I make sure I keep my brain engaged with these things too.
Reading always sparks my imagination too but often don’t have the brain space left to do this so not much reading at the moment.

Hope this answers your question.
