Mixing and Mastering on Headphones

Hey Chris

I have been mixing and mastering mainly on headphones for a while now and have had some decent results. I have been using the sonarworks sound ID and that improved my translation significantly. A few days ago I came across the Harman curve as a means to improve translation when the material is played on other systems. The curve is supposed to best simulate studio monitors.

I guess my question is, are there any tools you recommend for translation when mainly working on headphones? Especially for someone without regular access to studio monitors.

Many thanks!

Hey Russ
So I’m a fan of speakers. I’m old and I’m a “feel the music” guy. I’ve really tried headphones and can’t really work on them. I use them to see what “it would sound like on headphones” I will say this though. I prefer my playback system to be flat. The Harmon curve sounds great for consumers but I wouldn’t trust it for myself. I would also do a lot of referencing against familiar tracks.
That’s all my personal experience but if your confident about the outcome, go for it

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Hey Chris!

Happy new year and thanks for taking the time to respond. I truly appreciate your insight and totally agree about preferring a flat system. Sound ID is awesome for that with headphones. Still tinkering with this Harmon curve and will definitely keep referencing it against some of your masters even.

With tremendous gratitude,

Hey Russ
So I’m a fan of speakers. I’m old and I’m a “feel the music” guy. I’ve really tried headphones and can’t really work on them. I use them to see what “it would sound like on headphones” I will say this though. I prefer my playback system to be flat. The Harmon curve sounds great for consumers but I wouldn’t trust it for myself. I would also do a lot of referencing against familiar tracks.
That’s all my personal experience but if your confident about the outcome, go for it