Loving your approach of using audio tracks and copying and pasting raw clips and processing them from scratch and using clip gain to determine level. Two questions:
If you’re using clip gain, dont the effects respond drastically differently to the source audio going into them? If you bring a clip down 10db, it’s not hitting Soothe as hard and Soothe won’t push down peaks as hard; likewise, if you bring down to clip gain, you will hit Sansamp less hard and get less distortion. Is this something that you appreciate about this workflow or do you have a way of working around the issue that if you change the clip gain to change the level of the track, the effects are going to respond differently?
Don’t you ever want the exact lead vocal track to go to effects after it has been processed? I’m really intrigued by the drag and drop method and working with things raw. It seems like you achieve the important goal of leaving the treble and fundamental ranges open for the lead vocal this way. But don’t you ever want to use the lead track that has been shaped with eq and specific compression? What about auto tune? If the lead is being tuned a bit by auto tune, do you run into phase/pitch issues when the delay, chorus, and reverb tracks don’t have autotune on them? Or do you put the same auto tune on everything?
Thank you in advance!