First of all thank you very much for solving our doubts, I really admire your work.
I have some questions about your process.
What kind of compressor do you use in the console?
Do you prefer to compress and then equalize?
When you give a last touch of gain in digital, what do you like to use?
Thanks for being an inspiration Mike!
Hello Alvaro!
Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them always.
The board limiter is built in house by the tech team. The benefit of having a technical team with decades in the industry is that they know how to build the things that we need to do the other things in conjunction with our existing equipment. It’s a very unique situation over here and part of the legacy and sonic signature of the studio.
I always EQ before touching the limiter, then revisit both to make sure I like what’s happening.
As far as a plug in for a hint of gain in the box, I really like the FabFilter ProL with my setup. I keep those settings as transparent as possible.
Thanks for the questions.
Thank you for your answers Mike!
Lastly, do you use any kind of compressor in addition to the limiter before eq?
Nope, im not using a compressor. To clarify my approach, the EQ comes before the limiter.
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