Collaborating with Mitchell Froom

Hi Tchad,

So great to see you here! I have been following your work for a very long time and I have a lot of questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

Your collaborations with Mitchell Froom spanned many years, covering so many different styles and artists along the way. How did this partnership begin, and how did it evolve over the years?

And were there any important lessons that you took away from this collaboration?

All the best!

  1. That’s a big question with very long answers but let’s see if I can reply concisely as there’s many questions coming in.
    It began when MF needed a volunteer engineer to record music to a play he composed the music for called “Jackie Charge”. We had already talked a bit about music we liked and exchanged some albums. He gave me a copy of his first movie soundtrack “Cafe Flesh” which turned into an xxx porn film. I loved the music so much! I gave him my fav of the moment movie soundtrack “Barbarella”. We clicked. Next, when the enginners working on the first Crowded House record ended up fired, MF asked if I could finish it.
    We stayed together 14 years I think. The collab ended only because I had a personal tragedy which eventually pushed me away from living in LA.
  2. He is great at collaboration, open to crazy ideas and an amazing arranger. I learned about these things from him which helped me with my mix education and still does to this day. He also said to me in a day of darkness “perseverance will get you everything”. t