Decision-making in producing a new song with Abel for a new album

Hi Illangelo!

First of all thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge, it really has inspired me a lot and I cant stop learning from your videos!

My question is about starting a new song with Abel. I think he has a very clear vision of where his new albums shall lead to in terms of representing his story like a movie character.

I really love the overall artistic result of After Hours (songs and visuals). The album is just so cohesive and the songs feel like they belong together. I often times struggle by deviating too much in different directions in terms of sound so that my different productions do not feel like belonging to one album.

So I would be very interested in how you find a good starting point for creating a new song while having an album in mind. And if you take inspirations from other sources than music while creating new music.

Thank you for taking the time!

My best advice is not to overthink—just create. The body of work will naturally find its sound and order as you go. Everything will come together as you keep working. Along the way, new inspirations will shape you and your creations, and that’s okay. Enjoy the journey.

At some point, focus on finishing each song to the best of your ability and then move on to the next. Eventually, it will all start to make sense and become really exciting. You’ll revisit earlier songs and elevate them to a higher level. When you’re in the groove, things can move fast, and you’ll feel unstoppable—that’s when the magic really happens.

Best of luck.