hello, I just wanna know if I should do a Master bus before sending it to master engineer, because im bit confused about it
I think you should use whatever tools you want and deliver the mix the way you want it to mastering. I tend to deliver final mixes that are even 10-8 lufs. I’m not so concerned with the mastering guy setting level.
So a rule of thumb usually is that the master bus/stereo mix bus you’re running into is your special weapon, it’s your glue, extra width and dynamic control etc.
It should absolutely be there when you bounce out to a mastering engineer HOWEVER, when doing so just make sure that you give the mastering engineer roughly -6dB headroom so that they can do even more to it, or not, it totally depends on how your mix translates to them in the end.
Understandably you’re concerned with the loudness, so don’t worry about the loudness, just make sure that your final limiter or whatever is at the end of your stereo mix bus is allowing roughly -6dB headroom and you’ll be golden.
thanks, i appreciate you man!
I’d say ask the Mastering Engineer you work with how they’d like the files to be delivered. When I send of mixes to mastering engineers they typically want them peaking at -6dB and with my mix bus limiter off. Sometimes they want two bounces. One with and one without my mix bus processing.
Please forget about that -6db headroom thing that’s been running online for ages.
Try achieving maximum headroom use with your mix, full on mix bus processing. Send a mastering engineer the final mix that was approved by the producer/artist and so on. don’t remove anything.
At most, send the mastering engineer a full on loud mix for reference and a -2db mix. that’s it.