Are you guys hiring any interns?

Candace, So as a manager at EAst West, I have a couple questions; as a recent graduate from the Recording Connection and doing my externship over at Hyde Street Studios in San Francisco. I was just wondering if you guys at East West are hiring any interns? Or do you know of anyone you can recommend who are looking for any interns?

I’m always taking resumes but currently am not hiring. That can change any minute so its better to send me a resume so I have it and am aware of you than wait.

Okay cool, so where should I send my resume?
Thank you Candace for time.

hey Frank
send it to me here


Okay, I’m Sending it now.
Thank you for your time Candace, Appreciate you…

(Attachment Cover Letter Frank Buitrago.pdf is missing)

(Attachment Resume Frank Buitrago.pdf is missing)

Hi Candace,

I don’t know if the attachments went through, it says it was rejected. Due to not accepting pdf files
well i guess you can let me know? ( if you got them)
thanks Frank

@Frank_Buitrago unfortunately the .pdf did not upload.

We recommend that you upload them as a Dropbox link.
Thank you!