Go to Compressor seems to be the Fabfilter C2

Hi Tee … asides from the UAD 1176 on Vox the C2 seems be your “Meat ^ Potatoes” compressor of choice, could you talk a little bit about why? Is it more transparent perhaps ? Also your Pro-Q cuts on vox mids and lows really does “seem” to brighten the upper regions as you say. When you make your cuts do you have a specific methodology to approach this? Do you make one then mute while moving to a second resonant area or simply additive? 1 eq point by another and another. I only ask because there are lot with overlapping in the final EQ curves you showed. Thanks in advance.

yes the 1176 and the c2 are my main 2 compressors for vocals
on the pro q im using a combination of visually seeing the graph of freq in the eq and my ears and knotching sort of the way a person carving a sculpture does it … then the nuetron 3 yes does have over lapping curves with the pro q but thats because even after the pro q i still hear more broader shaping that needs to be done to get to the final shape of the vocal