How did you get in touch with RAYE?

Hey mike, congrats on your successes both as an executive producer for My 21st Century Blues as well as Mike Sabath and the Moongirls!

I’d like to understand the journey of what led to meeting RAYE and just artists in general. I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to meet with local artists in Toronto (where I’m from), but I would really like to connect with artists abroad!

Ayyy thanks man :pray:t3: I made the move to LA when I was 18 to try and figure it out and was breaking into studios by pressing the intercom and saying I had a session and sometimes they’d let me in hahahah. And i’d just chill in the waiting areas and try to play people records to eventually getting to create with some of those people. And then just kept hustling from there , one little step at a time of people introducing me to one more person and so on. Then a writer that I had met on that journey was working with Raye in 2018 and asked if I wanted to come join and that was that.

Mike thank you so much for responding!

As for reverb plugins, good ol’ faithful hybrid reverb in Ableton.

Here’s something I’ve been doing recently and it’s creatively fulfilling for me personally, it may be for you if you’re interested and shit, you prolly do this but I’ll post anyways!

Step 1: You can record a voice memo of your self clapping once every time in a particular space (eg. alley, forest, on a hike, in a cavernous space even) and let the clap ring out before you repeat that a couple more times.

Step 2: You can take that voice memo of the clap and drag it into ableton on an empty audio track.

Step 3: you take a section of only 1 of the claps, ideally where you have a decent natural attack and release. Consolidate that in ableton, and you now have an Impulse Response. Not that it’s important, but a side benefit is that no one else in the world would have that exact same IR unless you shared it with them.

Step 4, load up hybrid reverb, or any reverb that accepts IRs and drag your consolidated file into the waveform area, voila, you have a custom reverb!

I hope this helps you in your creative pursuits!