Jaycen's Template for Logic Pro X

Has anyone made a template of Jaycen’s session in Logic Pro X? Because I had some doubts doing mine.


I made one in Luna. I can try converting it to Logic Pro X. The hardest part with a template is the plugins that people may not have.

It would be wonderful, even if you could share with me the Luna or Pro Tools template, it would be enough. Thank you very much in advance

Download it here, took a long time to put together - show some love!


My friend, thank you, you are the best. De verdad te lo agradezco de todo corazón y en serio te deseo lo mejor, no tenías por qué, de verdad gracias.

con gusto amigo!

Instagram @Luiscancion

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Saludos Hermano Sale que fue Eliminada, podrias subirla 1 vez mas para poder descargarla, gracias por el aporte y bendiciones.

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Can you reupload it ? Unfortunately the link doesn’t work.

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i recreated it in Logic and in Studio One. Let me know if you still need it.


Would like to see the Logic one…I did make an attempt too but I am not 100% sure what I did was right.

I downloaded the previous Logic template, I’d be interested to see your version. Thanks!

I’d love the Logic template if you’d be willing to share!

Is it possible to get access at your logic template ?

Could you please send it yo me please?

Hello. Any chance you could but the link to the template again? The previous link is not working. Thank you


Appreciate you making a template for Logic how can we download to try it out

I need it but cant find any links!

Specifically i need to recreate the drumbus with the routing and stuff. Its pretty easy to understand What he does but translating it from Pro Tools > Logic

I would love a copy of the template for Studio One.

I’d also love to check out Logic/LUNA if you could repost. Thanks!

Interested in the Studio One Temp if all possible