NAMM, and knowing when to stop

Hi Sylvia

First off it was so wonderful to meet you at NAMM with Selci and the rest of the SHE-Q Audio gang - we all left so inspired by your MWTM session and we also have a bunch of amazing pictures of us haha.

2 questions I would love to hear your thoughts on:

  1. What do you think is the most underrated skill in this line of work?

  2. How do you know when you’re done with a track and to stop tinkering with it?

Thanks for meeting with us and for also being a genuinely sweet human being. And congrats on the She Rocks Award as well!

Hello Jinting! :grinning: Bravo to She-Q!
So good to see you and the Canadian gang at NAMM.
“Reaching the Finish Line” is my most underrated and most valuable skill. Being able to land the plane on the runway. On time, on budget. Full of life and energy and expression. Sometimes like herding cats! Haha!

When is a track done? When is a mix done? Certainly not when the ideas run out, because they won’t! You are finished when you get your point across but don’t belabor it. Remember, you are a bottomless oil well of ideas so finish this track and start pumping more oil for the next one!

Well… I do live in an oil producing jurisdiction :grin:

Thanks Sylvia for the advice and let us know if you’re ever in Canada!