Good evening,
My name is Wilk3s and I just wanted to introduce myself to the community. I remember some years ago, I ws in an online forum where I met like 3 people I still chat with today. Back then I didn’t fully understand the power of networking, but I completely understand it now. I am here to learn as much as I can and to gleam what useful information I can from all of you who chose to interact. I am in Atlanta, currently a Student at SAE Institute enrolled in the audio program. I knwo that being technically trained is frowned upon as the masters didn’t have school to teach, they learned form their own mistakes and the mistakes of others in real time, thats why I chose to become member. I want to share my mistakes in the process in hopes that I become one of you all in the future.
Thank you for your time and your click, I understand how precious your time is and I hope I didn’t waste it. If you want to collaborate, I am always willing to work. Take care and have a great evening.