Transient Clarity Snare

Hi Jay, thank you so much for doing this!

I am always amazed by how your snare drums sound. They are loud and super clear, yet the high band on the god particle is barely moving.

When I level my snare to be loud enough in a mix it is not clear anymore and the high band on tgp is taking off like 3-4db. When I go for a clear snare it sounds tiny.

Could you share any advice on how to achieve a loud and clear snare (apart from finding a better sample) and on what I am probably doing wrong :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Try making sure first that your gain staging is correct! You should be hitting about 1db of reduction on the shadow hills


Hi Jaycen. Generally when I use the shadow hills my drums are hitting -2, -3 in the optical meter, bit if I turn down the volume of the drums it continues hitting that level. And I don’t find another way to get -1 that moving knobs in the shadow hills, im afraid that’s not the correct way because Im loosing the set and forget on the plug in. Any other way to achieve -1 if Im hitting -3?