Restrictions of location

Hi Candace, I am 15 years old wanting to be a mixing/mastering engineer. I was wondering if you have any advice of how to make this into a living, personally I am thinking if I become an intern that may help but I am also from Adelaide, Australia and wondering if I’m not in LA it will be harder to get bigger artists that you have had come through East West.

Thank you for any help, Sid

Hi Sidney
yes location is def a determining factor in what direction you choose to go in .
You may need to move to Sydney or another larger city in Australia to really pursue your career path if you want tow work with major artists.
However there is music everywhere and any town with a University will likely have local talent you can assist. You can start out small and build upon success. The one thing about mixing in particular is that you can do it remotely. Reach out and offer to do a “test” mix for a local band or another artist you like. Remember every artist makes a 1st record…so if you can align yourself early on in an artist’s career and they like the test mix you may have won yourself a client for life.


Thanks for the reply, totally agree with what you say. Just looking at my options and what I want to do with my interest of music (leaning towards mixing or mastering!),
Thanks, Sid